Aravind Samala's dent in the programming world

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Hello there!

I am Aravind Samala. I am curious about almost everything! That doesn’t mean that I am not proficient at any single thing. Here are the projects which I completed either out of my curiosity. (or my boss asked me to do so!)

Curiosity projects

These are the projects which I did/do just to answer the questions which arise in my mind.

  1. The I/O project is the result of my curiosity to find out the correlations between our food intake, sleep, activity and our performance. Read my detailed explanation about this project on my blog series here Or check out the code here

  2. I built Job Application tracker to save my time visiting companies careers pages to find any new job postings. I scrap careers web pages of the companies I would love to join, to find any new updates on specific job roles. checkout the code here

  3. The Dream project: This is nothing like what you just thought. I capture my dreams(yeah, literal dreams) and look for any correlations from my past. Read more about this project here

Work projects


Impakter_Index are a set of tools which we are developing at Impakter. I started working with a team to build these tools which scraps the web directories and uses APIs to retrieve information from the web sources. One of the tool sends updates to Analysts at Impakter saving a lot of time spent browsing data on the web. Another one helps companies achieve sustainability by providing real time strategies. Yet another one is aimed to help non profits and global sustainability movement to take Sustainability of companies to another level


[InrikaIRMS] is an internal sales management web application which I am currently building at Inrika Inc.

Energy Innovations

EneryInnovations-ML is a data exploration and machine learning project which I did when I was working at Arizona State University’s Facilities Management. I was involved right from the data collection and I used Neural Networks to accurately predict Building’s Energy demand.

EnergyInnovations-ProjectMonitor: While I was at ASU, I took an initiative to create a central database and a flask app, to monitor and track Energy conservation projects at ASU. App can be accessed upon request.


Jotjoy Customer Analysis: At Jotjoy, we achieved sales right from the day one. But, we needed more robust marketing strategy inorder to scale up. So, we embarked on Customer Analysis using the order transactions and CRM data which we have. No wonder why Jotjoy’s sales increased 23% after implementation of Cusotmer Analysis and Online experimentation. Dashboard can be accessed upon request *note: Visualizations and Customer data is masked due to privacy reasons.

Rewind App

RewindNet: I was asked to develop a machine learning model by my friends at ASU who embarked on their journey of starting a startup. I developed a face recognition model, a recommedation system and speech recognition model using some open source libraries and pre-trained models. App can be accessed upon request

Other projects

Machine learning

Depression Detection After my graduation, I needed some project to hone my deep learning skills. So, myself along with 4 others started working on a summer project to detect depression using speech. See the code here

Exploratory Data Analysis

[CO2 Emissions Dataset]: This is a exploratory and practise project where I used pandas and matplotlib libraries to visualize the data from CO2 Emissions dataset which was originally posted on Kaggle.